
Academic Pricing Qualifications

The academic qualifications listed below are a guideline to help determine the eligibility of an institution or individual for academic status to purchase discounted products from ObjectRescue.

Education Discounts

Eligible Academic and Educational Institutions and the Students, Faculty and Staff of accredited Colleges, Universities and other institutions can purchase ObjectRescue software at a discount of up to 50%. If you wish to purchase Academic versions of ObjectRescue software you should e-mail for pricing and purchase arrangements.

An academic institution must be organized and operated exclusively for education purposes and meet the criteria for one of the following:

Other Qualified Institutions may include the following:

When requested the institution is obligated to show proof of applicable accreditation by certificate or letter that verifies accreditation status to ObjectRescue satisfaction of compliance with the applicable qualification criteria.

Students, Faculty and Staff of Accredited Colleges/Universities:

Must have a verifiable institution or campus identification card and may also be required to provide additional proof of eligibility in the way of a verifiable payment receipt or current semester enrolment certificate. This must be provided to ObjectRescue prior to completion of purchase.

Acceptance of Academic Qualifications is at the sole discretion of ObjectRescue or its representatives.

See also:
      Purchasing Information

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